ANNOUNCEMENT: The Moorhead Advisory Board Dinner has been rescheduled to Tuesday, April 9 at 5 p.m.

THPY1156 - Massage Pathophysiology

3 (3/0/0)
This course discusses common pathologies that massage therapists are likely to encounter in their professional practices. It also discusses whether these conditions are indicated or contraindicated for massage and describes how they may be treated.
  1. Define pathophysiology.
  2. Recognize common pathological conditions in clients.
  3. Understand the development of common pathological conditions presented by clients.
  4. Treat common pathological conditions within our scope of practice.
  5. Recognize referral conditions.
  6. Define terms associated with pathology.
  7. Evaluate pain.
  8. List endangerment sites.
  9. Understand medical terminology.
  10. Demonstrate treatment charting.
Degrees that use this course

Massage Therapy
